Debra Searle - Shoal Projects

Shoal Projects

Where Business, Adventure & the Media meet to inspire action

Founded in 2002, Shoal manages my extreme adventure habit! I go on crazy expeditions then we write books, make TV programmes and use the lessons learnt along the way to inspire company workforces worldwide.

My first introduction to a company is often through attending their conference as the Motivational Speaker but many of these introductions have led on to fascinating projects. Our partners have had a variety of reasons for supporting my adventures – the BBC made beautiful documentaries, whereas some of our corporate clients wanted media exposure, internal employee engagement or unique client entertaining platforms. I designed The CHOOSE YOUR ATTITUDE Journal so that anyone who hears my story can take immediate action and start implementing the mindset tools and strategies that lie behind the successes of both my businesses and adventures.

Debra Searle - MIX Diversity

MIX Diversity

Individual potential. Collective success.

At MIX we are passionate about helping organisations maximise the opportunities present in a diverse workforce and customer base. To achieve this we offer a range of services including D&I consultancy, keynote speakers on topics such as unconscious bias and training and workshops on subjects such as inclusive leadership, as well as unique storytelling projects, such as the Women’s Arctic Challenge.

Mix Diversity also offer MixLearn, the online, on demand, expert led DEI learning platform and content library for our client’s LMS.

National Diversity Awards – Shortlisted – Positive Role Model for Gender
European Diversity Awards – Finalist – Inspirational Role Model of the Year
Personnel Today Awards – Finalists – HR Supplier Partnership Award

Debra Searle - Your Speaking Career

Your Speaking Career

Expert Speaking Made Simple

For years I kept getting asked how I had established myself as an international speaker, so we created to teach amateurs how to turn pro and help existing speakers to grow their business.

Sadly this company was victim to the success of Shoal Projects and MIX Diversity Developers. It is always hard to let a project go that you have loved and nurtured but as the other two companies skyrocketed it became impossible to run all three at the level it required. It was a brilliant introduction to the wonderful world of online courses, hosting a podcast and utilising social media algorithms to reach our target market, knowledge which we now utilise to grow Shoal and MIX. Nothing is ever wasted!

Debra Searle - The Well Hung Art Company

The Well Hung Art Company

Where I made all my mistakes and learnt how not to grow a business!

The Well Hung Art Company was my baby, launched at the end of the 90s, just as the first dotcom boom combusted! It took off fast, thanks to a cheeky name and logo and because the press loved stories about young CEOs back then. The problem was I was ahead of my time!

Very few artists had digital cameras to take images of their artwork and web developers were wrestling with how to build the backend so that images could be uploaded from anywhere in the world. It makes me laugh now when I upload an image to Facebook – so quick and easy! I learnt a huge amount in those early days and so although it failed, I don’t mind as I gained a whole heap of business knowledge.

Need a speaker for an Entrepreneurial Audience?


Debra Searle MVO, MBE shot to fame after rowing the Atlantic solo.

As a sought after motivational speaker and author, she has spoken at 1,000 events in 40+ countries.

She has founded five companies and presented over 40 programmes for the BBC.